In My Soul, There Is a Temple
This just in from Guenther Schoell. Inspiring! Deep! A perfect message for today (and any day).
In my soul, there is a temple,
A mosque a shrine, a church where I kneel.
Prayer should bring us to an altar
Where no walls or names exist.
In my soul, there is a temple,
A mosque a shrine, a church where I kneel.
I'm no Christian I'm no Muslim I'm no Jew
I'm no Buddhist I'm no Hindu
I'm the gust of wind that trembles in God
I'm the wind that dwells in your heart.
In my soul, there is a temple,
A mosque a shrine, a church where I kneel.
Rabia of Basra (717 - 801) is, without doubt, the most popular and influential of female Islamic saints and a central figure in the Sufi tradition. The abbreviated and slightly altered poem is from Daniel Ladinsky's book LOVE POEMS FROM GOD: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West.
Frithjof Schuon (1907 - 1998) is considered by many to have been the 20th century's greatest metaphysician and exponent of Perennial Philosophy. His perspective is of one who perceives the essence of all great religions to be the same.
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