A SILVER THREAD: John Adorney's Gorgeous New CD
Congratulations, John! Within a week or two of its release, A SILVER THREAD went to #1 on the New Age music charts.
John will be doing a radio interview this coming Saturday, June 20th from 8:00 - 10:00 am, Los Angeles time. (KSBR 88.5) and many of the songs from his new CD will be played. The best way to tune in is through something called Mixir. If you're going to listen on a mobile device, click here. There's a button for Mixir on the home page.
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at June 18, 2020 08:59 AM
Thanks for sharing this, Mitch!!
Posted by: lor at August 10, 2020 09:01 PM
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