Light Reading for Tough Times
The famous actor, Peter Ustinov once said something I will never forget. "Comedy is just a funny way of being serious." Bingo! And one of the reasons why it was often the court jester who had the ear of the king.
And so... in the spirit of humor and laughter (much-needed during these whacked out times on planet Earth), I am happy to share ten light-hearted articles of mine that have been published in the Huffington Post in the past few years -- my funny way of being serious. Enjoy!
A Man of Few Words
The Syndrome Syndrome
How 13-Year Old Girls Can Wipe Out Terrorism
A Very Unexpected Journey
I Am Not a Handyman
The True Fruit of the Spiritual Path
What I Learned from Listening to Ravel's Bolero for 14 Hours
Consultant Outsources Sleep!
Mayan Calendar Prophecy Demystified
An Unforgettable Evening with Shlomo Carlebach
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