HEAR YOURSELF: How to Find Peace in a Noisy World
Good news! Prem Rawat's new book, Hear Yourself, is now available, on Amazon for pre-order. Kindle, Audible, and hard cover editions are available. Release date: September 14th. Treat yourself to some good news. Prem has a unique way of helping people cut through the noise and tumult of modern life and find their way to the quiet center of it all.
Excerpted from his website: "For more than fifty years, Prem has shared his enduring message with people of any age, race, gender, nationality, religion, personal lifestyle or life condition, that peace within is possible and it is your birthright. He has reached hundreds of millions of people in over 100 countries through his powerful storytelling and profound message.
As a best-selling author and public speaker, he has adapted age-old stories for a modern audience, adding his unique perspective on the "business of life." These stories continue to resonate and transform millions of people's lives. His most recent book, Escuchate (Hear Yourself), quickly reached Amazon Spain's top non-fiction best seller's list, and precedes the soon-to-be released English version. Other publications by Prem include: Peace is Possible (published by Penguin) previously titled Splitting the Arrow: Understanding the Business of Life, as well as the illustrated books, The Pot With The Hole, and The Stonecutter.
Prem has personally developed an innovative well-being series called the Peace Education Program (PEP) that helps anyone interested to discover their inner strength and reflect on their own humanity.
Around the globe, Prem has also shared his practical approach to knowing yourself through a video-based course, Peace Education and Knowledge (PEAK), available free of charge on his media platform, TimelessToday. In these challenging times, Prem's message, his inspiration and the experience he points to, are more relevant than ever.
The Prem Rawat Foundation, established in 2001, supports charitable activities throughout the world, including Prem's Peace Education Program, which is now taught in places as diverse as prisons, countries ravaged by war, schools, universities, police academies, veteran centers and in hospitals in over 80 countries across 6 continents. From Cape Town, South Africa to California, from East Timor to Colombia, the Peace Education Program has reached people across wide spectrums of societies and inspires them to discover their innate personal peace.
To further advance his ability to reach people interested in his message, Prem became a pilot, logging more than 14,000 hours of flying time worldwide. He is also a composer, musician, photographer, husband, father of four children and grandfather of four.
I can attest to the fact the Prem Rawat has been bringing his message of peace to places where nobody else dares go! and I'm not just talking about prisons but also cities and villages just to share his message with a handful of people and to cathedrals where thousands heard his message, I for one have been following Prem renowned speaker and has also been given the title of Ambassador of Peace throughout the world. I say that I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to listen to him several times, and he has helped me to discover the peace which already lies within me. thanks
Posted by: Mario Regina at March 27, 2021 07:29 PM
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