Words of Love
I want to give a big shout out to Prem Rawat for the past 50 years of inspiration, wisdom, laughter, and love. His July 17th talk at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles was a total delight. I've met a lot of interesting people in my life -- conscious, wise, intelligent, and creative people -- but no one like Prem.
One of his one-liners during his talk completely knocked my socks off: "Make humans human again." That is, from my perspective, the essence of his work -- helping anyone who is curious enough to listen to his message plumb the depths of their own humanity.
It is a total gift to be born, the odds of which are very small. What we DO with this gift matters, big time. In my experience, Prem Rawat helps people OPEN the gift of life -- and what they find beyond the wrapping and the box is a total delight. How simple it all is! The "path" is enjoying your next breath and the one after that and the one after that.
PRESENCE is the name of the game -- because only when we are PRESENT does any of this matter. "What you are searching for is within you" is Prem's bottom line message. It's not on a mountaintop, not in a cave, not in a monastery, not in an ashram, not in a temple, not in a church, not in a book, but right inside of each and everyone of us. How cool is that! Among other things, it takes all the pressure off. You don't have to become "better" or "more spiritual" or "more disciplined" or "cooler" or whatever. All you have to do is experience who and what you already are.
Then the real fun begins.
Photo: Courtesy of TimelessToday
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