Saturated with Gratitude
I am sitting here, on a Sunday afternoon, saturated with gratitude, for the presence of Prem Rawat on planet Earth. I first met him when i was 24 and he was just 13. Now he is 63 and I will soon be 74 -- and yet the timelessness and universality of his message continues. Who is he? Who are you? Who am I? Ultimately, one and the same. Like he says, "I want you to have the same experience I am having." For those of you who assume that having a teacher/mentor/guide/master is unnecessary and a diminishing of your own sovereignty, power, and individuality, i say this: If you see a double rainbow and look up, does that diminish who you are? If you see a full moon and feel inspired, does that diminish who you are? If you love someone and seek more of their presence in your life, does that diminish who you are? In the end, my friend (or is it the beginning?), life is all about waking up and savoring this very moment, free of concepts, projections, and fear. Each of us, of course, is walking our own path. Each of us has our own vernacular, story, and sensibilities. So be it. And yet, at the core of all our journeys abides the same basic thirst for what is real, timeless, and changeless. That experience is available to each and everyone of us, regardless of our our philosophy, politics, religion, karma, vaccination status, or astrological signs. HERE. NOW. ALWAYS. We are never more than a breath away from enjoying this realization.
All I know is that I was questioning time before I sat down at my computer, and came to the conclusion that I always lived in the present, when I was a child now and when I get older it will always be in the here and now! It was a sort of revelation to me! I described it all at the beginning of this article just now when I posted it. And it confirmed everything I was thinking, or feeling if you will. That everyone who ever lived, was always living in their present, and that's all we have NOW., thank you Mario Regina
Posted by: Mario Regina at August 22, 2021 11:19 PM
Posted by: janice at August 23, 2021 09:41 AM
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