The Heart of the Matter
September 08, 2021

Big Blue Sky.jpg

I just woke up, five minutes ago, from a dream in which some kind of celestial force, a conscious beingness, granted everyone on Earth immunity from pain, suffering, and ignorance -- a kind of universal amnesty. All bets were off. All debts were forgiven. All struggle was gone. In its place was nothing but peace.

This beyond-the-beyond, all-consuming graciousness was granted to absolutely everyone -- those who were seeking this state of grace and those who weren't. It was as if some kind of invisible tsunami of love washed over everyone at the exact same moment, everywhere. In a flash, without effort, every single person was free, unburdened, and in love.

And then, as I lay there in a field, completely stunned by this gift to humanity, I saw something "air-dropped" from the sky. It looked like a child's paper airplane -- the kind all of us made as kids to throw in the wind and watch it fly, hopefully, forever. As I watched, because of the perfection of this undeniable moment, I expected it to land right in the center of things, but it didn't. It kept on flying, even as it descended.

My dear friends, it is possible, this peace, that is. It is possible, against all odds, during these absolutely medieval times of craziness, density, and despair, that each and every one of us -- regardless of our past, our problems, and our pain, can be be free. It is possible. It is.
Always be open to this possibility.

In the dream from which I just awoke, this peace was granted -- a universal act of divine dispensation. It seemed undeserved. Every sentient being was on the receiving end. Everyone received this gift. And everyone was free, almost as if, in some alternate universe, all of the bad news upon us now was reversed and only the "good" remained.

This is my prayer, my dream, my highest aspiration -- that each and everyone one of us on this third rock from the sun will be on the receiving end of this blessing. It was not religious, this gift. It was not spiritual. It was not the result of great work, focus, concentration, or any strategies of realization. It was just given and given in such a way that it was impossible not to receive it. If this was rain, everyone got wet. If this was sunshine, everyone felt the warmth. If this was wind, everyone was refreshed. May it come to pass. May it come to pass.

HEAR YOURSELF: How to Find Peace in a Noisy World

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at September 8, 2021 09:41 AM


Beautiful Mitch - Shana Tova - (one of Many New Years day) - an aspiration of the highest order -

Posted by: Steve Gorn [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 7, 2021 06:13 PM

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