Some years ago, I heard Prem Rawat say something that I will never forget. It's at least 20 years later now and I still very much remember what he said and the message being conveyed beyond the words, speaking, as he was, to the all-too-common phenomenon of unnecessary hustle and bustle which I could definitely relate to, trying just a bit-too-hard at the time to "succeed."
Here's what he said (and I am paraphrasing):
"You're a passenger on a plane going 650 MPH and you're running up and down the aisles trying to get there faster."
Badaboom! Badabing! Got me! Nailed! That single sentence painted a picture that completely tuned me in to what was going on in my life at the time. So much effort I was making! So much sound and fury! So much frantic effort attempting to get results, when really all I had to do was relax and allow the journey to unfold. I was on the plane! It was moving in the right direction! There was a very capable pilot at the wheel! All I had to do was sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. This is not to say that NO effort was required. SOME effort was definitely required. But that effort was a simple one: GET ON THE PLANE! Running up and down the aisles (marketing! sales calls! proposals! emails!) was mostly nervous energy and the fear that, somehow, nothing of value would manifest in my life. The older I get, the more I realize that my task has always been to BOARD THE PLANE, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.
Running up and down the aisles is not only unnecessary, it diminishes the joy of the journey.
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