Musings on Love
From what I can tell, most people, in this life, somewhere along the line, have had a lover -- a person with whom their experience of life and themselves was both profoundly heightened and deepened. Somehow, in their lover's presence (and yes, in their absence, too), EVERYTHING seemed better, sweeter, and more alive. The present moment was amplified. The past and the future disappeared like smoke from a candle. Boundaries dissolved, walls fell down, worries faded away (at least in the beginning) and great waves of unstoppable love were felt from the core of their soul itself.
Millions of poems, since the beginning of time, have been written about this experience and when the experience ends, as it often does, thousands of blues songs have been written to fill the void (or at least try to). Ultimately, when it comes right down to it, human beings love love. We do. We love love. It moves us. It fuels us. It fills us with a feeling that almost always seems enough to live on. And when that someone special comes along, a person with whom the love we aspire to can be more deeply felt, savored, expressed, enjoyed, and amplified, that someone becomes extremely precious to us.
So much so, in fact, that there are times we cannot stop thinking about them. They occupy not only our hearts, but our minds, as well. Indeed, just the THOUGHT of them, like a perfumed handkerchief dropped at our feet, is enough to fan the flames of our soul's joy. We write them letters. We prepare for their arrival. We hold them in our embrace and our gaze for as long as we can -- and all to explore the depths of what the extraordinary experience of human love is all about.
Ahhh! What a blessing it is! What a gift! What a pleasure! And yes, some of the lovers we have known, become our life companions -- our husbands, wives, or life partners until our inevitable demise. And, yes, some of these partnerships last for a lifetime, long after the primal passions have ebbed and the body declines, wild nights replaced by a peck on the cheek and a hot cup of tea.
These days, as I look back on my life, and even more so, look WITHIN myself, I am fascinated by the possibility that I can greet each day as if it was my lover -- that, upon waking, I can feel the same excitement to greet the day as I did to greet the one who was the receiver of my devotion. I am excited by the possibility that the FEELING evoked in me upon being in the presence of a lover can be felt in the presence of myself -- not as some kind of heroic attempt to disentangle myself from the world as I know it, but the very human attempt to connect with the deepest source of love within me -- the core of my being where all love resides. Home base. The warm spot on the pillow. The not having to speak because whatever I was going to say has already been communicated with absolutely no effort at all. Whole unto myself. Embracing myself. Loving myself. And knowing, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that all love abides within me. All love and all light. All light and all passion for life. All life and the realization that what I have been looking for forever -- the embrace from beyond -- is not only IN me, but IS me.
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