The Heart of the Matter
September 15, 2021
The Perfect Burp


An hour before I received the gift of Knowledge from Prem Rawat in 1971, I found myself sitting in a large room with a bunch of other people also waiting to receive Knowledge.

Sitting on pillows, we had spent the last few hours listening to some very inspired people (who had recently received Knowledge) wax on about their experiences and whatever it was they understood about this extraordinary young Master from India.

For me -- a bearded, long-haired, 24-year old seeker of Truth -- it was all so very inspiring. Everything I was hearing, everything I was seeing, everything I was feeling felt completely right. Like I was finally coming home after many lifetimes of wandering. All of the beautiful rivers of my life, it seemed, all of my highest aspirations had brought me here -- the perfect place at the perfect time -- and I was ready, with overflowing gladness, for whatever it was that came next.

The longer I sat there and listened, however, a nagging doubt began to creep into my mind. There was a kind of seriousness in the room that I found uncomfortable, me being a person with strong leanings towards goofiness and irreverence. Yes, I loved everything I was hearing about Prem and the Knowledge of Self he revealed. And yes, I found my heart opening in ways that dwarfed anything I had ever experienced before. But I couldn't help but notice my concern about the possibility that this "thing", whatever it was, might be too somber for me -- somebody else's path, but not my own.

Less than a minute after this troubling thought crossed my mind, the door to the room opened. Turning around to see who it was, I noticed it was one of the residents of the ashram, a guy named Michael who I had met earlier that day. Broadly smiling, Michael took one step into the room, paused, looked around, and then let out a tremendous burp -- the kind my high school friends and I were famous for. Then, without a single word, he turned and left the room.

I received Knowledge an hour later.

PREM VIDEO: My Version of the Divine (5 min.)

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at September 15, 2021 09:14 PM


Wow, I left a comment, but this story was good, but the video clip of Prem afterwards , that's the Wow part, the first few minutes had me laughing out loud when he was describing some people's view of the Divine it was hilarious, then he asked do you wanna know what my view of the Divine is, Power everywhere in this Universe, Power to make the sun come up, in you, in human beings, ABSOLUTELY, suddenly I was no longer laughing, but very content calm and settled down in peace. Thank you Prem, that's what you do for me, and every time I take the time to listen to you, I have to say, I LOVE YOU!

Posted by: mario regina [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 16, 2020 02:26 AM

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