"Music is the universal language of mankind." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." - Mother Theresa
Love and music. Music and love. Hooray for them both and the universes born from their union!
And so, in honor of all things lovely and musical, all things joyful, heartfelt, inspired, mysterious, creative, collaborative, timeless, soulful, longing, deepening, and divine, I am so very happy that YOU have arrived, at this precise moment, at this precise blog, and, even more specifically, are in close proximity to the four-word title to a wonderful new song by Stuart Hoffman and Jennifer Edwards (vocals by Stephen Rivera).
And just in case you are wondering where this very clickable four-word title might be located, all you need to do is take a look at the very next paragraph which, lo and behold, is made up of only four words -- the same four words that just happen to be the title of Stuart and Jennifer's new song, which as fate would have it, was released just a few hours ago on Bandcamp. Can I get a witness?
Without further adieu, I humbly invite you to unplug from whatever you are doing, turn up the volume, and let this beautiful song find it's way into you. Feel it. Let it take you. And if you feel like dancing, dance!
Oh, one more thing: if the song moves you in any way, please let Stuart and Jennifer know. Too many artists, these days, toil away into the wee hours of the night and the night after that, never really knowing if their deeply felt love songs to life have been received.
Let them hear from you and, hopefully, you will hear a lot more from them.
How do you stop the ocean tide,
stop the breath inside,
make the rain go away,
how do you stop today?
How do you stop the world from turning,
make it spin the other way?
how do you hear the words you speak
if you've got nothing to say?
Can't stop this love,
can't slow this feeling down,
can't stop my heart
from reeling around,
can't change the moon
or the stars above,
can't stop, can't stop,
can't stop this love.
How do I stop looking at you
or feel the way I do?
how can I keep from telling you
how much I love you?
How do you stop the sun from shining
or the perfume in a rose?
Do you believe in a silver lining,
not just suppose, not just suppose?
Can't stop this love,
can't slow this feeling down,
can't stop my heart
from reeling around,
can't change the moon
or the stars above,
can't stop.
can't stop this love.
What's happening to me?
You've taken my heart,
I seem to have loved you
right from the start,
with every breath,
with every kiss,
you fill every moment
with bliss.
How do you stop the ocean tide,
stop the breath inside,
make the rain go away,
how do you stop today?
How do you stop the world from turning,
make it spin the other way?
How do you hear the words you speak
if you've got nothing to say?
Can't stop this love,
Can't slow this feeling down,
Can't stop my heart
from reeling around,
can't change the moon
or the stars above,
can't stop,
can't stop this love,
can't stop,
can't stop this love,
can't stop,
can't stop this love.
Lyrics: Jennifer Edwards
A wonderful book about love
Click here if you want Stuart and Jennifer to write a song for you
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