What Does Peace Mean to You?
A few days ago, I emailed this slide show to some friends of mine and asked them to let me know what "PEACE" means to them. Many responded to my request -- each with their own unique description of peace. Below is the response I received from Steven McHugh, in Longmont, Colorado:
"I am at peace in my creative, spiritual flow. Inner peace, for me, is when my many inner selves are of a piece, aligned, tranquil and resonating -- speaking with one voice, resonating, at peace. Tranquility in the face of setbacks. Engine purring, no sputter, no backfire. Feeling joy in a cup of tea and delight in my divinity. Inner peace heals the soul.
Peace is also an exterior thing -- feeling the support and love of family and friends. Affiliation with like-hearted souls. Reveling in the beauty of nature, the magnificence of all creation. Dancing in the groove. Merging with the moment, external peace and inner peace are one.
Waiting for water to boil,
I experience
the joy of a lifetime.
13 brief videos and audios of Prem Rawat talking about peace
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