A Review of Prem Rawat's New Book from Someone Who Knew Nothing About Him
NOTE: A few months ago, as an experiment, I posted a message on my Facebook page inviting anybody living in the US who wanted a free copy of Prem Rawat's new book (and didn't know much about him) to contact me. About 50 people responded, one of whom was Patricia Savitski, a woman I only knew from Facebook. A few days after getting her request, I shipped the book to her. Below is Patricia's review of the book.
"What a blessing of a book -- so enlightening and engaging -- a book with the genuine power to stir and comfort you at the same time as you pursue self-knowledge and learn how to free yourself from chaos and celebrate each breath.
Prem Rawat has given us a gift to treasure which I guarantee you will want to keep by your bedside to read and reread time and again.
Hear Yourself is a great reminder to think outside the box, be easy on yourself, and become acquainted with the light we often forget to hold, not just in ourselves, but in every living being.
Prem's book is a beautiful teaching about our pure potential to live life consciously. It was, to me, a kind of magic taking me by the hand and introducing me to myself in a most real way.
I am not new to mindfulness and spiritual teachings. I have had many teachers and have read many books, but I am new to Prem Rawat and the amazing way he communicates his message and takes people deeper into knowing the place within themselves where there is always calm. Being in touch with that calm place helps a person see everything around them with new eyes.
For me, reading Hear Yourself felt like a good, warm rain that feeds the earth and generates an electric wide-eyed freshness. It made me want to dance with gratitude.
Prem Rawat talking about his book
How Hear Yourself became a best seller
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