The Gift That Keeps on Giving
This just in from Carmen Queitsch, a woman who was given a copy of Hear Yourself, a few weeks ago by her friend, Kirk Laidlaw, when she lived on Salt Springs Island -- one of the Gulf Islands in the Salish Sea between mainland British Columbia, Canada and Vancouver Island.
Prem Rawat has changed me for the better. I noticed my behavior shift in a healthy direction after reading his book, "Hear Yourself: How to Find Peace in a Noisy World". Each time I read even just a page or two paragraphs, I felt joy from his words. I felt energized and motivated.
Reading Prem's words, to me, was like having a slice of cheese cake. One bite fills your mouth with a sweet richness that's so cool and smooth you just want to put down the fork and roll your tongue around your mouth.
So, too, are his words.
I began to pick up Prem's book whenever my life was feeling hectic. I would go to my couch, red-faced with frustration, and open it. I would make my self read a paragraph or so just to see if I could calm down. And it worked. I was going through a time in my life when I knew I had to make some big life changes and reading Prem's words gave me the support I needed.
I took Prem with me to the airport recently. The airport was chaos and my travel companion was stressed. Prem's words had the same effect as they did at home. In fact, I had a moment of clarity then and there at the airport and I quickly became moved to tears. I pulled out a pen and a scrap of paper to write down what I had read.
"The journey to peace begins with the appreciation of the simplest, but most important thing we have -- our existence."
That trip was an emotional roller coaster for me and having Prem's book in my purse gave me comfort -- a sense of security. Now I keep my notes in my purse and my book at home (smaller purse).
I am forever grateful.
My favorite Prem words are "from gratitude to peace, from peace to gratitude", describing the connection with self. But I have so many juicy Prem nuggets to reflect on. They are written on different scraps of paper spread among my things. And whenever I come across one, I make myself pause long enough to read it and it resets my perspective.
Prem's words are so impactful for me that even a whiff, just a sniff of them, can bring me peace -- much like the smell of sweater of a loved one can bring you comfort and familiarity.
I am so very lucky that one brave and generous man decided to graciously and spontaneously give me Prem's book. Because it truly means everything to me. So thank you, Kirk. You have given me this amazing gift that keeps on giving and it changed my life. It certainly supported me while I changed my life. Thank you friend!
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