How Has the Practice of Knowledge Changed Your Life for the Better?
Dear Friends:
I have an invitation for you -- one I hope you will find inspiring. Here goes:
For those of you who have received Knowledge from Prem Rawat, in 35 words or less, please email me a testimonial about how it has changed your life for the better. In other words, how would you describe the impact/benefit of Knowledge in your life?
The audience for your testimonial will be the general public.
Some of the testimonials will be included in a future article about the value of Knowledge that will be published on
If your testimonial is used, it may be edited for length and readability. If so, I will send you the edited version before it is published so you have a chance to sign off and give permission for it to be used.
If you are willing and able to respond, please forward your testimonial to by April 1. And be sure to include your first and last names. Thank you!
All the Best,
Mitch Ditkoff
Content Editor,
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