We All Need More Courage
Let's face it. These are challenging times for all of us. As if Covid-19 wasn't enough to rattle our bones, now there is the Russian invasion of Ukraine and millions of refugees seeking shelter, not to mention climate change, supply chain issues, shaky economies, and whatever personal issues you and your loved ones are facing.
At times like this, there is no magic pill, but there IS an alternative to suffering under the apparent weight of it all -- and that alternative begins by tapping into your own courage. Yes, courage!
Below are five short audio clips of Prem Rawat holding forth on this most important topic. Find your courage, friends. And help others, do the same.
Defeat the dragons (3:45)
Lord of the jungle (2:50)
A most memorable event (4:00)
You (2:10)
It's up to you (2:51)
Excepted from PremRawat.com
Photo: Courtesy of TimelessToday
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