An Invitation for People Attending the Amaroo Event in September
"We've been given the opportunity to express ourselves -- to paint beautiful pictures with the strength we have inside. Each new morning, we can choose to be the most fantastic version of ourselves. Ignore the numbers. Paint outside the boxes. Paint what's in your heart. Paint the most dazzling version of who you are." -- Prem Rawat, Hear Yourself, p. 115
If you will be attending September's Amaroo event, in Australia, with Prem Rawat, you are invited to submit a personal expression to his website about WHY you are going.
For a lot of people, it's quite a long journey to get to Amaroo and, of course, there's the cost of plane tickets and accommodations, as well. It's also at least a week out of your life.
That's a big commitment, one that is interested in exploring -- more specifically, what it is that would motivate so many people from more than 54 different countries to make the trek and spend five immersive days at Amaroo.
If you decide to submit your Amaroo-related reflections to, please know that the audience for your expression is the general public, not just people who have received and practice the techniques of Self-Knowledge. Please keep that in mind as you write.
By submitting your expression you are granting permission to the staff of to edit your writing for length and clarity. Also, please remember to include the name of the country in which you currently live and a photo of yourself.
Maximum length: 150 words. Deadline: August 5. Thank you!
Email your submission to:
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