A Request for Your Brilliance
I am happy to announce that I will be publishing my fourth book of poetry in early 2023. The title? "Unspoken Word: Poetry of Love, Longing and Letting Go."
Yes, I am psyched about getting these poems out into the world, but more than that I am looking forward to doing this in a way that I've never done before.
In the past, the promotion of my books has been borderline lame -- kind of like throwing a frisbee into a supermarket on a snow day. While some people did manage to look up from the dairy case, my outreach efforts were not very effective.
Hopefully, that's just about to change.
What I'm in the process of putting together is a robust marketing plan -- a mix of common sense and out of the box strategies to get my soon-to-be-published book out into the world.
Towards that end I'm asking YOU for your cool ideas about how I can get the word out to as many people as possible.
Knowing how precious your time is, I've decided to give my book away to the ten people who send me the most (potentially) impactful ideas. If you happen to be one of these people and live in the US, I will mail you a hard copy of the book when it's published. If you live outside of the US, I will send you a link to the Kindle version.
As you might imagine, I already have some ideas I'm considering. So... rather than run the risk of you sending me ideas already under consideration, I've noted the ones I'm noodling on below. What I'm looking for are ideas BEYOND these -- either common sense ideas I haven't yet thought of or really out-of-the-box ideas that might be worth trying.
Here's what I've got so far:
-- Email my book's Amazon link to all my friends
-- Post book promotions on my blogs and Facebook page
-- Get endorsements from well-known influencers
-- Send my book to a poetry contest
-- Create a two-minute video of me talking about the book
-- Create an audio-book version
-- Hire a publicist
Willing to share your ideas with me? If so, simply forward them to mitch@ideachampions.com. And please be sure to include your snail mail address in case you are one of the ten people who win a free book.
If you want to be informed when the book comes out, let me know and I'll put you on the mailing list.
"If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it." -- Albert Einstein
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