After Listening to You
After listening to you, I am moving much differently today, more like the wind than the one on his way, more like the river with nothing to say, more like the prayer than needing to pray.
How this transformation happens is a mystery to me. I do nothing, but have everything, I work and I play. I seek nothing, but find, sitting alone in the room of myself, a newly crowned king.
My heart is a milkweed and you are the breeze, I stand taller now, down on my knees, inheritor of a fortune I didn't know was mine -- one that's been waiting for me since the beginning of time -- my need to count gone, the long journey done.
You see, and you do, I have nothing to measure and nothing to measure it by, here in this place of pure being, breathing pure pleasure.
Can it really be this simple? Can it really be -- that after all these years of searching for the holy grail the holy grail is me?
Maybe that's why babies smile and old monks laugh. Maybe that's why the two of us are one, you my better half.
Some people get this on their death bed, some by almost dying, some know it from the beginning, some get lost in trying.
Today, newly born, a thousand psalms fill my cells and I, deaf, dumb, and blind, remember the silence just before the temple bell.
How simple it all is! There is nothing to ring, nowhere to go, nothing to bring, and no seed to sow.
The flag is not moving, nor is the wind here in this realm where a thousand grateful angels find themselves dancing on the head of a pin.
Posted by: lor at July 26, 2021 09:02 PM
In this moment I was born, in this moment I am and in this moment I will be. In this moment I live my life
Posted by: Michael Hunt at July 31, 2021 02:17 AM
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