"Unspoken Word: Love Longing & Letting Go" Just Published!
I am happy to announce that my new book of poetry, dedicated to Prem Rawat, is now available on Amazon.
The cost? Four cappuccinos worth, but the buzz lasts a lot longer.
You may want to check out the Unspoken Word website, as well. There you can listen to songs by Tim Hain and Stuart Hoffman, each of whom chose their favorite poem from the book and set it to music.
On the website (beautifully designed by Larry Lefkowitz), I also do some spoken word. If you want to read excerpts from the book before deciding to buy it, you can download a PDF. And if you are curious about what ChatGBT has to say about my poetry, click here.
My outreach efforts are all grassroots. I don't have a big publisher behind me or a publicist. It's just me and my tribe of good-hearted friends and fans around the world.
If you find value my writing, I invite you to forward this post to your friends and/or post my website link on social media.
Thank you, in advance, for whatever help you can provide. And if you know any podcasters or media outlets looking for an interesting guest, ask them to contact me: mitch@ideachampions.com
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