Doing More With Less
Idea Champions is happy to announce the launching of DOING MORE WITH LESS -- the perfect, cost-effective intervention to help your company keep innovating (while cutting costs) during recessionary times.
(You may need to tighten your belts, but you don't need to cut off your circulation to accomplish the results you want.)
What kind of challenges or opportunties might your team tackle in a DOING MORE WITH LESS session? Click below to find out...
"How can we share information with suppliers, vendors, and customers in order to streamline our innovation process?"
"How can we better predict market changes in order to increase our efficiencies?"
"How can we better predict what products and services will succeed?"
"How can we decrease re-work throughout our organization?"
"How can we identify and eliminate all unnecessary activities?"
"How can we consolidate common activities throughout the organization?"
"How can we empower our customers to perform some of the tasks that are now the sole responsibility of our staff?"
"How can we encourage our vendors and suppliers to become part of our product development process?"
"How can we take advantage of the cost-cutting happening throughout our industry in order to be more competitive?"
"How can we accomplish the same goals in half the time and half the cost?"
"How can we discover the most elegant solutions to our most pressing business problems?"
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