New Blog Critics Magazine Review of Awake at the Wheel
OK. These two cavemen walk into a bar. The first one burps, pounds his hairy chest, and lets out a primal scream. The second mumbles something about Nietzche and thumbs through a recently purchased copy of Awake at the Wheel.
OK, so the first paragraph isn't exactly a joke (despite it's promising beginning), but it does technically qualify as a segue to the most recent review of my new book.
Sure, as far as segues go, the opening paragraph is not what I would call a "fantastic segue" or even a "good segue," but it IS a segue, which is all I was really going for here.
Violet Nesdoly is the reviewer. (Thank you, Violet!) BlogCritics Magazine is the website.
These two blog critics walk into a bar...
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