Yes, we're all interested in innovation and that's a good thing, but if innovation doesn't lead to something more than increased marketshare, profits, and stuff to consume, we're in big trouble. Here's a very cool, new video by Stuart Hoffman that will lift your spirits and, hopefully, inspire you to think about new ways in which you can focus your innovation efforts on bringing peace to the world. Got any ideas?
Hi Mitch,
Love the video: thanks for the link.
You speak wise word about the purpose of our ability to innovate. In the end, isn't that the higher calling? To use our creative capacities to innovate a better world for us all, not just profit for us? What's weird is that when the better world idea leads, the profiting part just seems to follow along...
BTW - I think you wrote something somewhere about limits being good for creativity and innovation. Am I remembering that correctly?
Posted by: TrulyLissa at August 9, 2008 02:16 PM
Yes, limits are good for creativity and innovation. Like the banks of a river. Without the banks, the river turns into a puddle and then evaporates. The trick, as far as I can tell, is applying the kind of limits that help you and your project flow. Too many limits constrains and constricts unnecessarily. Too few limits and you end up splashing around in a puddle, not getting to the ocean/source of your inspiration.
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at August 11, 2008 07:01 AM
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