In the 21st century, it is no longer considered radical to believe that thought shapes the future. This is something that has been proven again and again in experiment after experiment. And it is precisely for this reason that the media has become such a powerful force in today's world. The media shapes thought.
When we read something in the newspaper, we believe it is true -- and our lives take shape around it.
Well, here is your chance to take back the power of the press. And even more than that, here's your chance to impress your thoughts on the future -- your future -- and by extension, the rest of our futures (so please be coming from the the right place before continuing with the following exercise).
1. Fast forward to a time in the future when you want your BIG IDEA to be fully manifested.
2. Imagine you are a reporter from a prestigious newspaper, magazine, blog, or website.
3. Write the story of your success, complete with testimonials, data, and anything else you care to add that will give your article oomph.
4. Read it to a friend or co-worker. Then start jamming...
Excerpted from Awake at the Wheel: Getting Your Great Ideas Rolling (in an uphill world)
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