A Wonderfully Refreshing Review of Awake at the Wheel
As you probably know by now, my book about the creative process -- Awake at the Wheel -- was published in May.
Like most new authors, it's appearance on the scene was a big deal for me. I checked my Amazon ranking five times a day. I did a bunch of interviews. I forwarded the good reviews to all my friends and family.
But after four months, a new book is no longer new.
Which is why yesterday was such a nice surprise. That's when I stumbled across the September 12th review of my book by someone I'd never heard of before, never sent a review copy to, never played the "you scratch my blog, I'll scratch yours" game.
There was something about the review that really touched me. Made me feel that all my howling at the moon was worth it.
So, thank you, Cristina Favreau, for your heartfelt, authentic, and very positive review of Awake at the Wheel.
I thank you. My publisher thanks you. And my fabulous publicist thanks you.
Like Og, you rock.
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