Mother Teresa on Innovation (and Life)
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; BE KIND ANYWAY.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends, and some true enemies; BE SUCCESSFUL ANYWAY.
If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you; BE HONEST AND SINCERE ANYWAY.
What you spend years creating, others may tear down overnight; CREATE ANYWAY.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous; BE HAPPY ANYWAY.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten tomorrow; DO IT ANYWAY.
In the final analysis, it's between you and God; IT WAS NEVER ABOUT YOU AND THEM ANYWAY.
Nice sentiments Mitch, apart from the questionable last line. However, it's likely that Mother Teresa did not actually write this, rather that someone else adapted it from a piece that a guy called Dr Kent M Keith wrote, and then attributed it to her. See, for instance:
Posted by: Ramsey Margolis at August 29, 2009 06:50 PM
Most time it`s good to share problem. WHO KNOWS??
I suffered Adhesions that damaged my uterus and this is really what i think you should understand.
I finally was able to conceive a child to my own the year 2016 after 21 years without any issue. thi s really was the worst thing ever. It was a miracle that indeed shocked me. because i was left with no option but to use a Herbal Health Concoction that was prepared from Herbs to help the Immune. I got to find out about this from someone and i talked to the direct source about my problem. He`s name is Dwr Dexter and HE told me how some necessary few herbs will be useful as to women`s health and recovery and he had to do what knows best. He sent the Herbs to me and gave instruction on method of use. this all happened and i really have been able to say i`m glad God did this.
You can congratulate me (469) 573-2540
but dont call at bead time..
You can get in-touch with Dexter via Email (
Really just felt like dropping this, not for all Tho. dexte
Posted by: BoueyHeather at April 16, 2017 08:19 PM
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