The Tao Jones Report
- Scott Brown,
"The data generated by the capuchin monkeys, Chen says, "make them statistically indistinguishable from most stock-market investors.""
That's from SuperFreakonomics by Levitt & Dubner's epilogue quoting Keith Chen (Assoc. Prof., Econ., Yale) re: his research on irrational behavior, risk aversion, monetary abstraction, etc.
Posted by: Paulyesss at May 1, 2010 09:03 PM
In addition to insightful coverage on such emergent, life=affirming trends as 'micro finance' & 'gift economies', another dimension of the supreme quality of reportage we're growing to expect via "The Tao Jones Report" ought to include the general trend of 'collaborative commerce'.
Along this vein, here's a li'l anecdotal sumpthin' sumpthin' that may seem like an extreme example yet serves as a clear reminder of ¢ommon $en$e:
"... See, each year, the consumers insist they should pay more to the farmers to match the market price for the commodity. But the farmers insist that their cost of production is less than the market price and therefore they should get less. ..." (from page 245 hardback version)
Anna Lappé's
"Diet for a Hot Planet
The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork" and What You Can Do about It"
As anyone of us human life forms who values good food can attest, simply trusting the good credible folks who are most closely engaged in providing our nourishing edibles is a key ingredient in whatever we eat and thus how we sustain ourselves. Such trust is an undeniable influence in guiding our human activities in the food marketplace and thus serves as a great common realm of reference for appreciating the ancient, inherent, evolutionary, innovative energy and natural power of 'collaborative commerce'.
Posted by: Paulyesss at May 25, 2010 10:50 PM
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