INTENTION: The Root of Creativity
If creativity is the flower of a human life, then intention is the root.
Indeed, there are many bipeds among us who believe that without intention, there can be no creativity.
More than its second cousins -- hope, wish, dream, and desire -- intention is the ground from which creativity springs.
One of the main reasons why creativity is so flaccid in most people (and by extension, most organizations) is that there is very little intention -- and the intention that does exist is often a simulation of the real thing -- upwardly mobile fast trackers inheriting someone else's vision, strategy or idea, but not sufficiently in touch with their own reason for being to really break through...
And so, if you want to create something new and meaningful, you will need to get more deeply in touch with your intention.
The force. The mojo. What truly moves you.
Intention, of course, can take many forms: the intention to change, the intention to improve, the intention to manifest miracles.
Whatever form it takes, your effort will need to be more than mental. More than emotional, psychological, or astrological. It will need to be primal -- in the same way that the moon affects the tides.
Moon-howling intention.
Well then, what is moving you these days? What is in your bones? What is calling you from within?
(Excerpted from Awake at the Wheel)
There's an interesting but potentially sobering idea radiating out of this post: is the lack of intention (and creativity) that you write about a result of the lack of fulfillment in many jobs/careers? Is it laziness?
Posted by: Mark Dykeman at July 9, 2010 01:48 PM
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