To VLOG or not to VLOG
I'm thinking of starting a VLOG and want your input. Instead of just writing a bunch of stuff, what about me delivering the message, on camera? Here's how the Geico caveman does it.
PS: My award winning book, features the most innovative caveman of all time -- Og, the inventor of the wheel. Buy it on Amazon
Totally personal preference is reading vs watching. Easier given schedule and just learn better by reading.
Posted by: Dscofield at January 12, 2011 10:32 PM
yes, yes I believe a VLOG would be an excellent idea although I hope you will always be writing Mitch because I love the way you word things too.....!
Posted by: Lynn Kindler at January 12, 2011 10:39 PM
hi mitch, could be cute, but no replacement for your blog. you are a poet. but I would love to see you do one, it would probably be hysterical! rock on!
love, joan
Posted by: joan Apter at January 12, 2011 10:59 PM
Yes absolutely. It is fitting that a caveman would be the first to encourage you to do what you were born to do. That is be a VLOG rockstar as well as a BLOG maestro.
Posted by: Paul Roth at January 12, 2011 11:13 PM
This can be something you can do in addition to your writing. I'd hate to see you go exclusively to a video blog because your writing is so enjoyable. Sounds like a great idea.
Posted by: David Gittlin at January 13, 2011 07:58 AM
Mitch, it should not be one or the other.
Certain topics would benefit from complementary visual presentation, most of your blog are good in written format.
Posted by: Andre St-Martin at January 13, 2011 08:01 AM
I say keep up with the writing. But if you have a sweater like the caveman's, it's just a must that you do a VLOG from time to time.
Posted by: Pé de Leão at January 18, 2011 07:50 PM
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