The 1-Step Program for Ideaholics
I'm sure you've heard about the 12-step program. If you haven't done it yourself, you probably know someone who has.
But have you heard about the 1-step program? Probably not. It's not for alcoholics. It's for ideaholics -- that is, inspired people who got tons of great ideas, but rarely seem to manifest them. Know anyone like that?
Here's how the 1-step program works: you take your next step. That's it. Plain and simple. You don't think about it. You don't obsess about it. You don't go to any meetings trying to figure out why you're not taking your next step. You just take it.
Because you know what you're next step is. You do.
If you think what I'm saying is mere blogspeak, consider this: If someone was holding a gun to your head right now and told you to take your next step with your most inspired idea or else... you'd take it. You would. You know what to do. You just don't have a sense of genuine urgency. You're not living as if your idea matters. Guess what? It does.
Thanks to Scott Cronin for his sage input on this piece... and the change from "Innoholic" to "Ideaholic." Works better that way.
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