Getting Out of the Organizational Box
Last Thursday, I had an opportunity to be the keynote speaker at the Ethical Sourcing Forum, in NYC, a conference sponsored by Intertek, a world class organization dedicated to "helping customers improve performance, gain efficiencies in manufacturing and logistics, overcome market constraints, and reduce risk."
The topic? Sustainable Innovation. Or, more specifically, how people who work in large organizations can get out of the so-called "box".
After the keynote, I was approached by two very animated people from 3BL, a savvy media company specializing in corporate social responsibility, sustainability and cause marketing communications. Apparently, they liked what they heard and wanted to dig deeper -- on camera.
So, it was off to their make shift media center down the hall for an impromptu interview. Click here to watch the 7-minute video.
My innovation keynotes
My speaker's bureau
GOOD STUFF! Couldn't get over the 'Main Stream' look!
Have some fun! PP
Posted by: Jbelins1 at April 3, 2011 10:59 PM
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