Reinventing the Technology of Human Accomplishment
Here is an impassioned, inspired, lucid, refreshing 15-minute presentation by Gary Hamel on the need for organizations to radically reinvent the way they manage their people. Hamel not only builds a compelling case for something you've always felt (but never quite had the words to express), he uses motion graphics in a way that adds major mojo to his presentation.
Highly recommend reading the book that spawned this video "The Future of Management" by Hamel and Breen.
Prof. Hamel can get a bit hyperbolic in his examples, but the basic thesis that management structure is close to 100 years old---or as I like to say, the structure our fathers and and grandfathers learned in the military in WWII--is a sound one.
New collaboration tools and communication technologies are rapidly evolving how information is shared and use up and down the org chart. I see very little future in middle management serving as an "information filter.
Posted by: Jon Bidwell at May 23, 2011 11:00 AM
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