Unleash Your Inner Genie, Virtually
In olden times (pre-Starbucks, pre-Twitter, pre-Lady Gaga), the quickest way to get your wishes fulfilled was to rub a magic lamp and wait for the genie to appear.
Times have changed.
Now you need a life coach and a social media strategy.
Me? I long for simplicity.
Breakthrough is not about complexity. It's about getting out of your way long enough to arrive at extraordinary, new possibilities.
Which is why I'm thrilled to announce the launch of Idea Champions' new, virtual Free the Genie tool -- an engaging desktop tool that makes it easy for anyone with a challenge to generate, develop, and share their new ideas with others.
You've heard of the One Minute Manager? Well, this is the One Minute Innovator. Or five. Or ten -- depending on how much time you've got.
Intrigued? Please accept our gift of a free 15-day trial subscription.
So, go ahead. Rub our lamp. Kick our virtual tires. Do whatever it takes to free your genie.
Free the Genie cards
What organizations say about us
Why do we have to pay for everything? Can't there be any Generous person in the world?
Posted by: Trademark Litigation at July 19, 2011 03:01 AM
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