Even Michelangelo's David Started Out as a Block
Stuck? Confused? Blocked?
Get over it by printing out this posting, filling in the blanks, and then reading your story aloud. Works wonders! Better than therapy! Cheaper than Prozac!
"Boy, am I blocked! I haven't felt this bad since ___________. I've tried __________________ and ____________________, but nothing seems to work. It's almost laughable the way I'm spending all my time ___________________.
I feel so frustrated I could _________________________.
I hate it when _____________________________. It makes me feel like a ________________ without a ____________.
I'm so tired of ___________________________. Just yesterday, I felt so ___________________ I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
But now... it feels like the tunnel is filled with ___________________ and the light has turned to ___________________.
Uh oh! What if I stay stuck like this forever?
I can see the writing on my tombstone now: '__________________________ _______________________.' What an epitaph! That would really make me feel like a _________________________________________.
I wish there was someone I could blame besides myself!
Hmmm... Maybe ________________ would make a good person to dump on. If he/she was here with me now, I'd _________________________________________.
How did I get into this situation anyhow? I never really intended to _____________________________________________.
All I wanted was ____________________________.
Why does it have to be so unbelievably difficult? If only I could stop feeling so ________________________________.
Hey! Just last week I got tons of great ideas about my project -- ideas like ____________________ and ____________________ and ______________________.
Any one of those brainstorms could easily be the key. And even if they weren't, I could always ________________________________________.
I could even call ________________ and _______________. They're tuned into my project! Maybe they'd have a clue about how to proceed.
Actually, this is all pretty funny.
I seem to love focusing on my problems instead of possible solutions. Talk about creative! I must have ________ ways to avoid taking the next step.
Which reminds me.... I guess the next thing I need to do is ___________________________. And after that I'll _____________________.
Isn't it fascinating how this stuff works? In a little while, I'll probably look back at this crazy time and realize _____________________
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