Steve Jobs on Life, Death, and Love
All of us at Idea Champions are deeply saddened by the passing of Steve Jobs, a man who has made an extraordinary contribution to planet Earth. Here's one of his pearls of wisdom: "Your time is limited, do don't waste it living someone else's life... Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become." Thank you, Steve. God bless!
Jobs is done but left his mark on every corner of wireless technology. It only leaves us asking who won the war between the two titans of modern computer technology? Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates / Apple vs. Microsoft– check out my rendering of an epic match-up of their cyborg selves on my artist's blog at
Posted by: Dregstudios at September 29, 2011 03:09 PM
I have been an Apple fan since 1982. SOld the first Macintoshes in 1984 when I worked for an Apple Dealer in Miami Beach. I attended numerous conferences and keynotes and was totally captivated by Jobs and his inimitable mystique. I am now saddened and yet so deeply touched by the consciouness and care he seemed to be sharing these last few years to inspire those around him, and build a succession plan at Apple that would be bound and determined to emulate some of Steve's magical qualities. Mr. Jobs RIP
Posted by: D at October 6, 2011 10:07 PM
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