Creative Thinking Technique #3
There is a state of mind psychologists have dubbed the hypnopompic state that is a rich source of inspiration and fresh ideas.
In this state, most often associated with the first few minutes upon waking, the analytical mind is at bay and a fuzzier logic prevails.
It is as if a portal opens between worlds and we gain greater access to the subconscious part of mind where brilliance, insight, and expanded perception often reside.
Explained Victor Hugo, "There is visible labor, and there is an invisible labor."
In the hypnopompic state, invisible labor rules the day.
1. When you wake up, don't get out of bed.
2. Just lay there.
3. Don't speak. Don't think. Don't move.
4. Let dreams, images, and feelings come to you.
5. Surf them. Then write them down.
Idea Champions
Excerpted from Awake at the Wheel
More about the book
Ah, I do this every morning and use the half-coherent sentence fragments later for my art. :)
Posted by: Autumn Quill Mckenzie at January 30, 2012 09:02 AM
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