First WHY, Then HOW, Then WHAT
For decades, people have wondered how Apple has reached such heightened levels of success. But it only took Simon Sinek 18 minutes to explain it. According to him, it's all about the why, not the how, or what. Most computer companies start with claims that they make great products. Apple, on the other hand, tells you why they build computers.
Innovation from the inside out
I do not agree with the why, how, what sequence.
We have been using it for too long. TED only discovered seems to find it a novelty....
If What is last (or immaterial), All Us will keep on producing artificial stuff nobody Needs and actually help the status-quo....
I believe the Good sequence to be:
Who Needs What
For What (Purpose), (I regard the Why (reason) as trivial....
How Can We Produce it or simply Give it to Them....
How Much and Where they Need it
Posted by: JJPEREZK at May 12, 2010 04:10 PM
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