An Invitation to the Humanizing the Workplace TeleSummit on April 4th
Good news!
On April 4th, 7:00 pm (EST), I will be interviewed, live, by one of the founders of the Positivity Project and YOU are invited to tune in.
My topic? Humanizing the Workplace.
All you need is a phone and/or web connection. You pay nothing except attention.
If you work for an organization where it seems as if human beings are being replaced by human doings, where people are cranky too often and not fully enjoying the experience of work/life -- my interview should prove to be an inspiring and useful 75 minutes for you.
The Positivity Project is a very noble initiative.
Founders Kathy Poehnert and Alan Cohen are conducting weekly interviews with a variety of thought leaders in different fields to help nudge humanity away from a problem-centered existence towards a more positive mindset and lifestyle.
The end game? A global shift of consciousness, happening one person at a time. Yes!
I am thrilled to be one of the 20 people that Alan and Kathy have invited to participate in this exciting series.
If you've enjoyed my blog postings on Heart of Innovation and the Huffington Post, my interview should prove to be a very positive experience for you.
Click here to register (No charge. It's free).
And please feel free to invite your friends, relatives, co-workers, boss, and anyone else you can think of that might find value in taking 75 minutes to reflect on what they can do to humanize the workplace.
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