The Nancy Factor
See the picture to your left? Of course you do. That's Nancy Seroka, Idea Champions' Director of Operations, World Class Administrator, and Queen of Client Relations.
Without Nancy, there would be no Idea Champions. Nancy is the glue, the DNA of Details, the one who minds the store while the rest of us are on the road, in the clouds, or otherwise engaged.
For the past 13 years, Nancy has been juggling hundreds of Idea Champions projects with style, class, and heroic effort. The fact that she is still somewhat sane astounds me.
Sometimes, I regret to say, I am blind to how much value Nancy adds to our business. You see, she does what she does with so much precision and consistency that I often don't even notice it.
I am not alone in this regard. Indeed, I am betting that a lot of you reading this rant also have a Nancy in your business life -- someone who keep things together, supports you way beyond the call of duty, and makes magic happen while you're consumed with the details of your business life.
You have come to expect this kind of extraordinary contribution from others. You think it's "their job" -- and barely notice. Not a good idea.
Hey, you don't notice the air, either, but just imagine if it wasn't there.
And so, it is with great respect for Nancy -- and all that she is and all that she does -- that I implore you to pause for a moment and honor all of the Nancies in your life -- all of the people "behind the scenes" who are, day-by-day, minute-by-minute, helping you grow your business.
I'm not talking about the token giving of roses on "Secretary's Day". No.
I'm talking about being far more present and acknowledging of all the people who support you, without whom you would be howling at the moon, walking in circles, or looking for a job.
So, thank you Nancy. You are an inspiration and a life saver.
And should I forget, tomorrow... next week ... next month ... or next year to acknowledge you for all you are and all you do, I humbly ask your forgiveness.
And one of the kindest, most helping people that ever lived. You're great, Nancy! And WW, thanx for recognizing her!!
Posted by: Jbelins1 at October 14, 2011 12:51 PM
Thank you Nancy - I only read, Idea Champions. But that you contribute to making that possible...well, thank you!
Best wishes, Roger (and - most relevaant today as it is a special place to say Thank you!)
Posted by: RogerEllman at October 9, 2012 05:41 AM
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