Look to Nature for a Creative Breakthrough
Leonardo DaVinci got his idea for the airplane by watching birds in flight. The creators of Kung Fu developed many of their techniques by watching animals fight. The pharmaceutical industry develops many of its "miracle cures" by studying the natural healing properties of herbs and plants.
Bottom line, nature is a great source of breakthrough ideas.
The secret for meeting your biggest challenge, in fact, may have already been worked out thousands of years ago by a cockroach.
1. Frame your challenge as a question that begins with "How can I"
2. Everywhere you go today, notice how nature "gets things done." (i.e. bee hives, ants, sunflowers, etc.)
3. Make a connection between the natural world and your challenge (i.e. "What can I learn about my challenge from an ant colony?")
Technique adapted from Awake at the Wheel
Photo: Ira Meyer
There are no excuses in nature. The mental buffer that rationalizes and modifies priorities does not exist in the natural world.First things seem to always be done first. Imagine, what it would be like to enjoy consistent success by learning the lessons of ants or bees?
Mitch, again, another inpiring and true analogy for achievers.
Posted by: David Sollars at May 29, 2011 08:56 AM
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