Why Does Your Company Brainstorm?
We asked 20 of our clients WHY their companies conduct brainstorming sessions. Here's what they told us, on a scale of 1-5.
4.27 Get different points of view
4.11 Spark creative thinking
4.11 Originate fresh approaches
4.05 Create new possibilities
4.05 Inspire original thinking
4.00 Challenge the status quo
4.00 Tap collective genius
3.94 Unlock fresh insights
3.94 Stir the creative juices
3.94 Generate bold, new ideas
3.83 Jump start innovation
3.77 Solve tough challenges
3.77 Free up creative energy
3.77 Think out of the box
3.72 Think up new solutions quickly
3.66 Accelerate solution finding
3.50 Awaken untapped brilliance
3.38 Quicken the ideation process
3.00 Delight your clients
We teach people how to lead breakthrough brainstorming sessions.
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