Do you know what the opposite of a "professional" is? A "confessional." And, at the risk of being unprofessional, here's mine:
One of the great secrets to manifesting anything on planet Earth is to act as if -- to proceed in the spirit of already having succeeded -- or what Steven Covey refers to as "begin with the end in mind."
Why is this important? Because you already are what you profess to be, even if it's not apparent yet.
This state of mind, which is the polar opposite of doubt, could easily be construed to be some kind of con game. But it's not.
In a con game, the intention is to deceive -- to manipulate others by pretending to be something you're not.
When you act as if, you are simply being that which you already are, but hasn't manifested yet.
You are, as described in the introduction to Awake at the Wheel, the IDEA of something not yet fully embodied.
The intention, always, in the game of creation, is never to deceive, but to CONCEIVE -- to bring into being a positive, life-affirming outcome.
When you, with integrity, act CONFIDENTLY (from the Latin "con-fide" -- meaning "with faith"), you are not playing a "confidence game" -- you are jump starting the creative process.
Got it? Good.
1. Suspend doubt for the moment.
2. Close your eyes and see your BIG IDEA as already manifested.
3. From that place, express yourself with authenticity, style, and a sense of humor.
Idea Champions
Dear Mitch,
Thanks for this very interesting article. I would love to read more about your own pesonal story on how you have experienced or practiced the same.
I look forward to your next blog. I hope to meet you in person sometime!
Posted by: Jijie Zablan at September 12, 2009 11:02 PM
This is a great thought,I am in the middle of Stevens book and i his concepts are fascinating. These concepts are so true and I am working them into my daily life.
Thanks for inspiring me,
James Merritt
Posted by: James Merritt at July 19, 2010 07:44 PM
James: Steven's book? Title?
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at July 19, 2010 08:15 PM
I agree completely. I've been using "Act as If" for years, and teaching it to professionals. Trust me, it really works.
Self-confidence is contagious - if you know you can do something, others believe you can too.
"Act as if" is the positive side of the trickster's confidence game!
Posted by: Janet Kyle Altman at July 21, 2010 04:56 PM
I love this...illustrating the power of the mind :-)
Posted by: Chiropam at December 2, 2010 09:16 AM
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