How to Deliver a Meaningful, Memorable Message Quickly
HINT: It has nothing to do with pep talks, powerpoint shows, case studies, statistics, data, performance reviews, carrots, or sticks. Give up?
Stories. That's right. Stories. Storytelling, done well, is the most effective way to deliver a meaningful, memorable message. It's been going on since the Stone Age. Why? Because it works.
Here's my 5-minute talking head video on the topic.
25 quotes on storytelling
As it applies to teenage girls
One of my stories
Our storytelling workshop
So simple, and yet so true. Everyone loves a good story, and a good story is memorable. All day long I am being bombarded by information that I find useless. To effectively reach an audience you have to give them something that connects.
Posted by: Kimberly Shirey at March 2, 2015 02:23 AM
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