Lady Gaga Speaks!
Love this! Perfect timing for me to see, as I continually get hit on by companies wanting me to shill for them on this blog. Not gonna do it, folks. This is a commercial-free enterprise. No banner ads. No affiliate links. No hustling for the almighty dollar. Just innovation-sparking content and inspiration. Lady Gaga nails it. Her and Tony Bennett.
yes what she told is the reality, what has happened to the world, We all have to wish that this world would come to a better place with understanding of each other. If every famous person starts to speak like her, yes evolution towards a peaceful, understanding world nation is not so far. I like to quote what she told at last,
"We are not actually communicating with each other, we are unconsciously communicating lies."
Posted by: sooriya at November 11, 2015 01:58 PM
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