How to Create an Idea Factory
One reason why many aspiring innovators never reach the finish line is because they don't have the support they need to help them navigate the creative process.
They either try to do everything themselves or spend so much time trying to enroll people on the fly that their venture loses momentum.
Conceiving the baby is easy. Delivering the baby is not. Let's take a brief look at how you can change that.
Going forward, it will be very handy for you to have a support team to be there for you when the going gets tough. Sometimes, one person can provide all of the roles. Sometimes, not. Here's a partial list of the kind of people you want to have on your side.
1.Brainstorm Buddy: a trusted friend of yours to jam with, provide feedback, share insights, ask questions, and keep you on your game.
2. Coach/Mentor: a skilled facilitator of the creative process who can help you go over, around, or through whatever inner or outer obstacles head their ugly rears.
3. Finance Wizard: someone to help you create a budget, do cash flow projections, and help you build a business case.
4. Marketing Maven: someone to help you make best use of social media and communicate your product/service to the marketplace.
5. Writer: a wordsmith to craft proposals, write grants and crank out related support materials.
hi mitch
what you are suggesting requires lot's of quality communication
tonight at the dinner party the question was posed and passed around 'what project would you endeavor if you knew you could not fail?'
my answer was that all human beings would be connected in a communications network based on the acknowlegment that we are all one because we are fundamentally connected by our aspiration to be fulfilled and by our mortality
the ramifications would be that we could and would solve all (or most of) our problems and have alot of fun doing it
kind of like the ancient stories of the greek gods the real action was with the humans because they could not only feel the divine aspirations of love and glory but also the cold wind of mortality
the humans are heroic the gods are not
the humans experience a passion the gods don't know because they can't die or become bereaved unless ofcourse they become human
lovely arwen the elfin princess from the lord of the rings made that choice
so here we are
i applaud your idea factory idea
my idea is to create a communications training where the stumbling blocks and dead end strategies are identified and alternative strategies are suggested and practiced in some sort of a workshop environment and then to make it available to groups or communities that see the need for more effective communications tools
interested ??
comments ??
Posted by: Rohn Bayes at February 6, 2011 01:59 AM
Will you be my brainstorm buddy?
Posted by: Ian at February 6, 2011 02:52 PM
Ian: Maybe. It all depends on the project. So, if you are willing, send me your email address and i will email you a very simple 2-page doc that will give you a chance to describe your project and the kind of help you are looking for. I will review it within 48 hours and get back to you with a YES or NO. Does that work for you? Mitch
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at February 6, 2011 03:10 PM
In digital innovation, we have the opportunity to rapidly prototype at low cost: so I would engineer and design to be ready to build a focused prototype, that would "stage" your idea; I believe idea is strenghtened by an intent or a belief, and design thinking can also help in this perspective.
Posted by: NicoBry at September 2, 2011 06:08 PM
Execution is the difference between good ideas and great ideas. Having a team of people at the ready to help with execution is an amazing way to increase the likelihood of successful execution. Having someone who can crunch numbers and someone to do research is crucial. I bet lots of people find those two components the most challenging. As an idea person, I know all too well how overwhelming it can be to try to figure all that stuff out alone.
Posted by: KymleeIsAwesome at June 20, 2012 03:48 PM
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