Time to Upgrade Your Brainstorm Facilitation Skills
YOU are creative. Always have been. Cool, new ideas come to you all the time. In the shower. On the way to work. Even in your dreams. Where others see problems, you see possibilities. You're flexible, funny, and think on your feet. Which is why you were tapped to lead brainstorming sessions in your company.
You said YES of course, and are glad you did, but over time your sessions have become... well... er... uh.. a bit predictable. Same people. Same process. Same creeping sense that you need to try something different.
After all, you're in the business of the new. Right? That's how you've won new business in the past -- and that's how you've kept your clients coming back for more. Yes?
Towards that end, I invite you to take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions:
"How can I upgrade my brainstorm facilitation skills?"
"How can I learn new ways to tease out brilliance in others?"
"How can I become a catalyst for breakthrough thinking?"
PS: Here's how
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