Do You Need a Storytelling Coach?
ED NOTE: This just in from Jeri Dube, a delightful new Oracle client of Idea Champions. Jeri engaged our phone coaching services to help her become a more skillful writer and storyteller -- two ways in which she is helping Oracle's sales force raise the bar for success.
"Working with Mitch was a privilege. As a professional writer, I rarely get the opportunity to have someone guide me on how to improve. Mitch had great insights into storytelling. More importantly, he could apply his knowledge and wisdom to where I needed improvement. Even if I knew something such as "ask open-ended questions" or "read your story out loud", it was useful to have a knowledgeable outsider reinforce the things that slip. And it's a gift to hear ideas that I hadn't considered or thought of before.
We covered a wide array of topics from how to make run-of-the-mill "win" stories for a sales audience more readable and impactful to how I could pull elements that lead to better storytelling out of a 1/2 hour interview with predominantly left-brained, short-on-time, interviewees.
Despite how much I learned, Mitch never made me feel like I wasn't proficient already. The time I spent with him was for sharpening my skills and creating a more enriching read for my audience. It made a difference in my process and in the results of my work."
Other client testimonials
Mitch's award-winning book on storytelling
Idea Champions
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