January 16, 2017
The International Day of Compassion + Kindness


As a former political speechwriter and present day observer of the oddball dynamics accompanying the fast approaching U.S. Presidential Inauguration, I have developed an increasing respect for a man who, my fact checkers have assured me, has never watched CNN, FOX News, or Celebrity Apprentice -- Isaac Newton. Yes, Isaac Newton -- the bewigged, 17th century English physicist after whom the Third Law of Physics ("For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction") has been named.

And while I did not take Physics in high school, I am getting a crash course in the Third Law of Physics, every single day.

Equal and opposite reactions are everywhere. Right wing pundits make a point and left wing pundits counterpoint. Trump tweets and Progressives counter-tweet. Breaking News is reported. Then breaking Fake News is reported. It's not just Roe v. Wade that's at play these days. It's CNN v FOX, Hollywood v Rust Belt, and Tit v Tat -- or what the more spiritually minded among us refer to as duality -- the state of mind in which opposition, contrast, and polarity rule the day.

The emergence of the Women's March on Washington is perhaps one of the most visible examples of the Newton's Third Law of Physics these days -- an equal and opposite reaction to the fear and dread so many millions of women are feeling.

2,255 miles away, on the other side of the wall Donald Trump has not yet built, the Law of Physics is also at play at San Miguel de Allende's first annual International Day of Compassion + Kindness. A million people will not be attending the event in San Miguel. It will not be live-streamed. Nor will there be major press coverage. But like so many of these kinds of life-affirming gatherings taking place around the world on Inauguration Day, it is not concerned with ratings, numbers, or news cycles. It's purpose is simply to make a difference -- to take a stand for that which truly brings people together -- and do so in a joyful way.

The brainchild of sacred activist and artist, Joseph Bennett, the International Day of Compassion + Kindness is likely just the tip of the melting iceberg -- an inner-directed indication of what's to come in North America -- small groups of inspired people, from all walks of life, coming together (in ways they wouldn't have just months ago) to celebrate what it is all people share in common: love, the search for meaning, and a healthy dose of respect for diversity.

NOTE: The event will take place at Los Arcos (same plaza as La Finca), 28A Sterling Dickinson. It begins at 11:00 am on Friday, January 20th. There will be music, chanting, meditation, storytelling, and the experience of global community. No charge. It's free. Bring your friends!

More about the January 20th celebration here
More about the magic of San Miguel de Allende

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at January 16, 2017 03:17 PM

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