OK, ladies and gentlemen of the innosphere, this is your lucky day. I'm not sure if it was the cappuccino or the Mexican sun,but I am compelled to give away three lifetime subscriptions to our very cool (and under-marketed) online creative thinking tool -- Free the Genie.
Here's how it works:
1. Send an email to, with "Free the Genie" in the subject line.
2. We'll write your name on a 3x5 index card, fold it, and put it in a hat.
3. On March 5th, blindfolded, we'll pull out three cards. The winners!
4. If it's YOU, we'll send you a link to your lifetime subscription. And we'll post all the winners names on this blog the day after. Or maybe two days. Or whatever.
If you want to buy the hard copy deck, you are most welcome.
Review of Free the Genie
Main uses of Free the Genie
Just in case you want to read my book
Idea Champions
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