Changing a corporate culture is about as easy as getting a teenage girl to clean up her room. Translation? It's not easy.
If your organization is committed to creating a culture of innovation, you'll need to begin by getting your head out of the OD clouds, come down to earth, and roll up your sleeves. The way gardeners do. Indeed, the process a gardener goes through to get a yield is the exact same process your organization will need to go through in order to establish a culture of innovation.
And I will show you how. But more than that, I will help everyone in the audience own their role, then generate their own ideas and game plan for HOW they can turn theory into practice. Seeds are what they need, not magic pills. Fertilizer, not bullshit. I've got the fertilizer and just enough tools to help everyone break new ground in a way that engages, empowers, and enlightens. Ripe tomatoes anyone?
Here's what my clients say
Interested? Contact Mike Frick,
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